Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Isabella's Flower Birthday Party

My Bella Turned 3!!!
I can't believe My Baby is Three years old Now me not being much of a girly girl I never thought I'd be able to put together a girl party but with the help of my Best Friend I did it!
First I had this Fabulous Family vacation already planned at a five star hotel that we were leaving on a few weeks later. So my Husband had me on a major budget So I had to work really hard. We have a small townhouse So I knew I wanted it to be just a few kids so I invited 5 of her closest friends. Lyndsea helped me make a really cute table setting with ribbon a flat white sheet flower vases. I had a simple menu pizza's made with English muffins Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets Cheese and Crackers Veggie and dip and A few activity stations Play doh, bubble, plastic horseshoes. And my favorite part was My candy Bar It came out really nice.